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Avoid Back and Neck Pain While Working at Your Computer With This 5 Point Posture Checklist

Written By Back to Health Chiropractic and Massage on May 27, 2023

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If you work in an office setting, you likely spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer. Too much time sitting combined with bad posture and improper office equipment can all lead to back and neck pain. This can make it difficult to focus on your work and even affect your physical and mental wellness outside of work. Visiting our chiropractors in Vancouver, WA at Back to Health Chiropractic and Massage and following these tips can help you prevent back and neck pain while working at your computer.

1. Use the Right Office Equipment

Having the right furniture and other equipment is essential if you want to avoid back and neck pain while working. Choose an ergonomic chair with back and head support, arm rests, and the ability to be adjusted. Choose a desk that allows you to sit close enough so you can type on your keyboard comfortably and keep your monitor at eye level. Consider a sit-to-stand desk that will let you switch between sitting and standing throughout the day.

2. Maintain Good Posture

The right chair and desk will make it easier to maintain good posture throughout the day, but it still requires work on your part. Sit with your back against the back of the chair and keep both feet flat on the ground. Avoid crossing your legs or slouching forward, as these can both cause back and neck pain.

3. Keep Items You Use Often Nearby 

Back and neck pain can occur when you are constantly over-stretching to reach different parts of your desk. Avoid this by keeping items you use often nearby and easy to reach. 

4. Take Movement Breaks 

Take short breaks throughout the day to stand up and stretch. If there is room, you can also take a minute or two to go for a short walk around the office.

5. Use Stands and Holders

If you spend a lot of time looking down at your phone or tablet when you’re not looking at your computer screen, invest in phone and tablet stands that can keep these devices at eye level. You can also find document holders to do the same for any paperwork you may have to read throughout the day.

Find Relief From Back and Neck Pain at Back to Health Chiropractic and Massage

These tips can help you avoid future back and neck pain, but if you’re already experiencing pain, you can visit one of our chiropractors at Back to Health Chiropractic and Massage. Dr. Thomas Saeman and Dr. Taylor Haak have been serving the Vancouver area for 25 years and are dedicated to helping patients feel better mentally as well as physically. You can call us at (360) 253-4285 to schedule your appointment.


Posted In: Neck Pain Treatment Low Back Pain Treatment